And they didn't rescued her once, but twice, in the first 5 years of her life.
Until Viva came and lived with us, her final and loving home.
Forever thankful I am, for the 3½ years we got together, where Viva's touch changed me into who I am today.
I hope you want to join me in supporting her shelter with a donation as an act to remember Viva by, share her goodness, and help the shelter to take care of dogs like Viva, so they too can find a loving home.
If you decide to do so, we would love to thank you with a personal message, so please mark your donation to the shelter with "Viva". Then we can send you a postcard with Margie King's painting of beautiful Viva as a Thank You.
How to join
You donate directly to the shelter. Their donation page is here:
The page is in Danish, but it shouldn't be too difficult to fill it out with this explanation:
- On the top, in the grey box, you can chose an amount in Danish currency- a quick currency converter: 100 Danish kroner is approximately 13,50 Euro.
- "Vælg betalingsmetode", chose payment method, her you pick "Dankort/kreditkort", to pay with your credit-card.
- "Navn", your full name
- "Att", attention, here you fill out "Viva", this is important, to get the postcard.
- "Gade", street.
- "Husnr.", house number.
- "Postnummer & By", postal code and city.
- "Land", country.
- "Telefonnummer", telephone number.
- "E-mailadrese", email.
- Check the last checkbox, "Ja, jeg accepter betingelserne", meaning you accept the conditions.
- Press "Send", and the payment dialog starts.
Thank you so much for your donation, and we are looking forward to send you the postcard with Viva's painting. Bless you!
"Dyreværnet" relies solely on donations from the public. They are the only no-kill shelter in Denmark and re-home all animals, either furred or feathered.
Graphic artwork by MissyRedBoots.