Dog trains man

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Where Did My Puppy Go?

What happened to that innocent little creature I picked up at Schiphol airport three months ago? That tiny fur-ball, who fell asleep while I held her fragile body in my arms, snoring with satisfaction. That small dependent baby dog, who studied me endlessly with her big brown eyes.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Dog's Summer

"Tilde No!". Too late. Tilde jumped the fence and was out of sight, chasing the bunny on full speed. That'll be the end of this particular fence solution I thought.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Conversations With A Hovawart #5: Puppy Class

"Can we have a word?"

Oh no, I thought, not the union again. Zerline could read my mind.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rabbit Feet And Jackass Wings

Zerline is thoroughly discovering her disproportionate growing legs. She is trying them out on a daily basis to mark her latest top speed and if she can keep up with Tilde already.
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