Dog trains man

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hovawart TV: Cliff's Smile

A smile can mean so much. In Cliff's case, it means the world.

Seeing that smile at the end of this half-a-minute video warmed my heart when I saw it first. And it still does when I see it over and over again.

Please stay tuned, as Thomas - Cliff's parent/caretaker - shares Cliff's amazing story coming Monday on this blog.


  1. Oooh, Cliff is one happy doggie!!! That is the BEST smile ever!

  2. Cliff is so inspirational - and the big reward is not just seeing him "walk" - but that giant, beautiful smile because he can! Wow!

    1. Thanks for your words, our Cliff is really a wonderful dog and as long, as he wants, he will be cared for !


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